Terms for Renter

These terms of use constitute an agreement between Hyre AS, organization number 918 719 601, acting as the service provider (Service Provider / Hyre / We), and you as the renter (Renter or User). This agreement governs your rights and obligations as a user of Hyre's products and services, as well as Hyre's responsibilities as a service provider. By using our service, you accept these terms of use. We encourage you to carefully read and understand the terms of use that apply at all times for the Service Provider, including the privacy statement and other conditions.

Renter at Hyre

Hyre provides the service to you. To rent a car through Hyre, you must be 18 years of age or older and hold a valid driver's license for motor vehicle class B. Hyre automatically verifies driving licenses with the Norwegian Road Administration for new users and at each rental. If verification fails, Hyre may request a photo of the Renter's driving license. It is not permitted to create more than one profile per person. Each Hyre profile is personal and non-transferable. We reserve the right to fully or partially transfer our rights and obligations to another company, which may involve transferring your information. In such cases, you will receive advance notice from Hyre.

Booking and Agreement Process

Once a booking reaches our server, a legally binding agreement is established between the Renter and the Service Provider. Upon registration of the booking, you will receive confirmation via email and in your Hyre application profile. Cancellation or modification of a confirmed order incurs charges based on the current price list for cancellations and modifications. We reserve the right to reject any rental without further justification.

When booking a car, the following conditions form part of the agreement between the Renter, the Insurance Company, and Hyre:

  1. Terms of Use
  2. Privacy Policy
  3. Terms for Renter as described in this document
  4. Insurance Terms
  5. Terms for current prices, fees and rules for reimbursements

Prices and Payment

Hyre's current prices are listed in the Hyre mobile application and are integral to this agreement. All prices include value-added tax unless expressly stated otherwise. The Renter is responsible for all costs associated with the rental, including rental fees, tolls, mileage, fuel costs, parking fees, and other expenses arising from the use of the vehicle during the rental period. Our rental prices are subject to change and may be adjusted due to supplier price changes, Statistics Norway's consumer price index, or market fluctuations.

Hyre may charge a predetermined fixed fee, mileage fees, insurance premiums, and charges for reducing excess, return transportation costs for default or vehicle delivery to a different location, collection fees, and late payment interest. The Renter may also be liable for public fines, parking fees, unpaid toll fees, studded tire fees, and similar charges where the vehicle owner shares liability with the driver. Additional charges may include cleaning, repairs, and maintenance costs resulting from damage or breach of terms.

This includes all internal and external administrative or case handling costs, and transport or handling costs, such as re-invoicing fees and costs for moving vehicles or assessing damage. If the car becomes unavailable for rental due to damage or repair, the Renter's responsibility also includes loss of use in accordance with the rates set by the Norwegian Car Rental Association and Finance Norway.

In addition, the renter is obligated to ensure that an electric car is charging upon delivery, otherwise a fee will be charged according to the current price list. Additional charges may be deducted automatically from the user's specified credit card. If this is not feasible, Hyre will invoice the outstanding amount. In such cases, an invoice fee and administration fee will be applied according to Hyre's current rates.

Payable rent commences from the time the car is reserved for future bookings, or immediately for short-term rentals.

The rental is settled through a registered bank or credit card. For a fixed rental amount, Hyre may charge the entire rental amount before the start of the rental period. A proportional deposit will be reserved on the card at the earliest when booking and at the latest at the start of the rental period. Hyre may charge ongoing payments during the rental period. Rental charges, toll fees, kilometers driven, and fuel costs are typically charged to the card on the day the rental ends, but adjustments may be made later if errors are discovered. Following the conclusion of the rental period, Hyre may debit the card to settle any costs for which the renter is liable.

Hyre reserves the right to conduct a credit check. When making a booking, Hyre may require advance payment before confirming the rental. In case of non-payment, the claim will be sent to debt collection after prior notice.

See Terms for current prices, fees and rules for reimbursements for more information.

Duration of Rental

The Renter must return the vehicle by the specified deadline as indicated in the booking details. Completion of return includes locking the vehicle, ending the rental in the Hyre app, and submitting photos of all sides of the vehicle through the app.

The car must be parked in a parking space that corresponds to the parking information for each individual car. The parking must be legal for at least 24 hours from the end of the rental period. If parking in the designated space is not available, Hyre must be contacted immediately via chat or phone for further instructions on where the vehicle should be parked. Parking the vehicle outside the designated place or area without Hyre's consent is done at the Renter’s own risk, and the Renter is responsible for covering incurred costs and fees based on Hyre’s current prices for delivery outside the pick-up area. In addition to the cost of the extended rental period, a fee will be charged for late return of the vehicle according to Hyre’s current prices.

Hyre may, under factual circumstances, demand early return of the vehicle.

For late return or cancellation of a rental, refer to the Terms and Conditions for current prices, fees, and rules for expenses.

Renter's Duties and Responsibilities

The Renter must comply with all regulations and terms of use applicable to Hyre. The Renter is responsible for adhering to traffic laws while driving, and for inspecting the vehicle's lights, brakes, seatbelts, tires, air pressure, and other components before use.

Renter's Handling and Use of the Vehicle

The Renter is responsible for the vehicle and associated expenses during the rental period, including parking fines, speeding tickets, and toll fees. The Renter must park according to local regulations, always lock the vehicle, and place keys in the designated location. The vehicle must be returned in the same condition as received, with all original accessories and equipment intact.

The Renter agrees to use the vehicle responsibly and not:

  1. Smoke in the vehicle
  2. Take the vehicle out of the Nordic region without Hyre's permission
  3. Use the vehicle for driver training, racing, speed tests, competitions, or any commercial purposes
  4. Engage unauthorized drivers
  5. To use the vehicle for illegal purposes and criminal activities
  6. To leave the vehicle to others or let it be driven by drivers other than those approved by Hyre
  7. Tow, push, or move other vehicles
  8. Leave the vehicle unlocked or in a condition accessible to others
  9. Use incorrect fuel
  10. Transport pets without prior agreement with Hyre
  11. Operate the vehicle under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or while impaired according to Norwegian law
  12. Operate the vehicle under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or while impaired according to Norwegian law

Damage resulting from violations of these conditions (points 1 to 12) is subject to compensation, and Hyre may seek full reimbursement for financial losses. Violations constitute a material breach of terms of use, allowing Hyre to terminate the profile immediately. The Renter assumes full responsibility for the vehicle and its use until return, except in cases attributable to the Service Provider.

Cleaning and Maintenance of the Vehicle

The vehicle must be returned with all original equipment and in a clean condition, free of rubbish and personal items. The Renter is not responsible for external dirt resulting from normal use, such as dust or minor mud residue. Excessive dirt or insufficient cleaning may incur charges for washing and administrative fees as per the Terms and Conditions for current prices, fees, and rules for expenses.

In case of insufficient cleaning, the Terms for current prices, fees and rules for reimbursements apply.

Damage and Technical Issues at the start of rental

For damage or technical issues discovered at the start of the rental, the Renter must notify Hyre immediately and refrain from using the vehicle until the matter is resolved.

If technical issues arise during a rental period, or become known to Hyre, and can be rectified within a reasonable time relative to the Renter's needs and the rental duration, the Renter does not have the right to terminate the rental agreement. If the Renter chooses to terminate the rental regardless, they will be responsible for the rental fees for the entire rental period, with deduction for the time that would have been required for repairs. Furthermore, Hyre is not liable for any expenses incurred by the Renter in relation to returning the vehicle to the lessor.If repairs cannot be completed within the specified timeframe, and if Hyre has the option, the Renter may transfer the rental to a different vehicle with a different lessor. If this is not possible, the rental agreement shall be considered terminated from the time when Hyre receives notice from the Renter about the issue. In such cases, Hyre arranges for the vehicle to be transported back at their own expense, and is then not responsible for any loss or liability that the Renter may incur.

Registration of Damages and Defects during rental

The Renter is obligated to promptly contact Hyre regarding any damages or technical issues that occur. Hyre or its representative will then provide instructions to the Renter on how to proceed. Under no circumstances should the Renter attempt to make repairs or improvements themselves, or engage a third party to do so, without Hyre's prior consent.

The Renter is responsible for all theft and damages that occur during the rental period. The vehicle is covered by rental insurance through IF Forsikring NUF, and the liability for damages and theft that are covered is limited.

The deductible for damages follows the current insurance agreement. A separate agreement that reduces the Renter's deductible may be entered into in cases where Hyre is able to offer this. For damages or liability incidents, the Renter is required to pay the deductible immediately. Theft, fire, vandalism, and personal injury must be reported to the police without delay. Damage to animals must be reported immediately to the police or wildlife authorities. A set deductible applies for vehicle rescue or assistance due to collision, runoff, overturning, vandalism, or other sudden external influences. Costs related to roadside assistance due to user error such as incorrect fueling, lost keys, lockouts, or drained battery due to lights being left on, will be fully charged to the Renter.

In case of damage, the Renter must complete a comprehensive motor vehicle accident report form found in the vehicle, and should not leave the vehicle without proper safety precautions. The completed accident report must be submitted to Hyre without delay after the damage occurs.

If notification and/or accident report are not provided to Hyre in accordance with the guidelines in this agreement, the Renter is liable for additional costs incurred due to the delayed or omitted submission of the accident report. For any damages incurred, Hyre reserves the right to invoice the Renter within the terms of this agreement. The Renter is obligated to make payment even if there is a dispute or grounds for recourse against a third party.

Deductibles and insurance coverage are described in our Insurance Terms

Registration of Damages and Defects

Report damage and defects to Hyre via email at hei@hyre.no or through our chat. Immediate assistance can be obtained by calling +47 22 44 49 73.

Inspection Duty

The Renter must inspect the vehicle for damage and defects upon pickup and return, taking photos of all sides and documenting any discrepancies, including damage, dirt, missing equipment, or other issues affecting the vehicle's condition. Contact Hyre customer service for clarification before leaving the rental location if unsure about reporting the vehicle's condition. The Renter is responsible for ensuring photo documentation meets quality standards to substantiate pre- and post-rental conditions. Failure to fulfill documentation duties is a significant breach, allowing Hyre to terminate the profile immediately. The Renter remains liable for damages discovered post-rental that were not documented before pickup.

By documenting vehicle condition through photos/videos during inspection, you grant Hyre non-exclusive, transferable rights to use, modify, publicly display, reproduce, distribute, and share this content with third parties.

Hyre's Duties and Responsibilities

Hyre facilitates flexible access to rental cars, handling contract formation, payments, damage assessment, vehicle access, insurance mediation through If, and cost calculations.

In cases where Hyre fails to fulfill its obligations under this agreement, the Renter may request corrective action without undue inconvenience or costs.

Hyre assumes no liability for loss or damage to personal property left, stored, or transported in the vehicle during or after the rental period. The Renter waives claims against Hyre for such losses or damages.

Hyre is not liable for indirect losses resulting from rental relationships, including business interruption, loss of profit from canceled or improperly fulfilled rentals, or damages to non-rental vehicles, except in cases of gross negligence or intent.

Hyre does not assume responsibility for content, materials, or other content on third-party websites linked to or from Hyre.

Force Majeure

Hyre is exempt from liability if prevented from fulfilling service obligations due to circumstances beyond its control, such as labor disputes, extreme weather, fires, wars, requisitions, currency restrictions, riots, transportation shortages, power shortages, or delays in deliveries from subcontractors or manufacturers. Force majeure clauses apply accordingly.

Changes to Terms of Use

Hyre reserves the right to modify these terms of use, with current versions accessible on the Hyre website and app. Significant changes prompt prior notice to users. Continued use of the service after changes indicates

Disputes and Choice of Law

The Terms of Use are governed by Norwegian law. Disputes arising from the Terms of Use that the parties do not resolve amicably shall be submitted to the Norwegian courts, with Oslo District Court agreed upon as the exclusive legal venue.