Privacy statement


In order to deliver our services and fulfill our statutory duties, we must process personal information about our customers (customer data). Hyre, at the highest administrative level, is responsible for processing and is obliged to ensure that personal data is handled in accordance with relevant legislation, including the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the Road Traffic Act (checking driving licenses), the Accounting Act (documenting expenses and invoicing), and the Marketing Act. In this document, we will describe how we process customer data and outline your rights in this regard.

If you have any questions or wish to exercise your rights as a registered individual, you can contact us at You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Norwegian Data Protection Authority concerning any matter related to the processing of your personal data.

The following terms apply to users of Hyre's services

  1. Terms of use
  2. Privacy statement as described in this document
  3. Terms of use
  4. Terms and conditions
  5. Terms for current prices, fees and rules for outlays

Why and How We Collect Customer Data

When you create a profile, we will register information including your name, social security number, driver's license photo, telephone number, payment card details, and email address. The purpose of processing this customer data is to enable us to fulfill the agreement we have with you and comply with our statutory obligations.

When you rent a vehicle, we will also record your driving history, which contains information about the rental time, rental amount, GPS points for the car during the drive (per minute), toll crossings, refueling, and kilometers driven. The purpose is to calculate the rental fee and to show you where to pick up the vehicle. When you use the app, we use your phone's latest location to provide better customer service in real-time, without saving any location history.

We also use your customer data in our communication with you via the app, email, and SMS, directly linked to delivering the service. This includes order confirmations, insurance certificates, time-relevant notices, receipts, and invoices. If you have consented, we will also send you information about goods and services that may benefit you via email or app.

We process data to better understand your needs and further develop our service. The legal basis for this is our legitimate interest in improving our services, as we consider the impact on you to be minimal. We limit the use of personal data as much as possible, anonymize data, and assess the impact of such processing to mitigate any potential effects.

Examples of Data Use for Statistical or Development Purposes:

  • Collection and analysis of data to better understand the use of our service, so that we can better adapt the content and improve the user experience. It can be the completion of a user survey, (electronically or by telephone) as an online form or input received on your own initiative via telephone or chat.
  • Use of statistical data to better understand how our service is used and to group users with similar characteristics. It may be based on driving patterns, number of leases, type of cars used, general location, age or other data that helps us better understand how users like you use our service. In such cases, data is aggregated so that you are not personally identifiable. The information is also used to produce traffic statistics for e.g. capacity planning.
  • Use of data to troubleshoot or correct any errors you may encounter.

Examples of Data Use to Deliver Our Service:

  • Checking driving eligibility to establish a lawful rental agreement.
  • Invoicing, credit checks, and payment information processing.
  • Using data during booking, such as your last known position, to assist with navigation and customer support.
  • Logging and processing of customer inquiries (electronic or telephone) to be able to help you if you are stuck or have questions.
  • Monitoring driving behavior and using this to warn or suspend users for violations of the Road Traffic Act.

Data Transfer to Third Countries

Hyre primarily stores and processes data in Norway and within the EU/EEA. However, we sometimes cooperate with partners outside the EU/EEA. In such cases, we take extra precautions to ensure data is processed in accordance with our standards, using EU standard agreements or transferring data to EU-approved countries.

Third-Party Access to Personal Data

Hyre does not sell personal data to third parties. We only grant third parties access to your personal data if necessary to manage your customer relationship, such as insurance companies for settlements, marketing, analysis, or personalized content delivery. Third-party access is granted based on your consent.

We use third-party tools to deliver our services, sharing information with them to help us deliver the best service possible. These include Mandrill and Intercom.

This is a list of third parties that receive and process personal data on behalf of Hyre AS:

Tredjeparts databehandlerFormålDatalagring

Statens Vegvesen

Verifisere førerrett.

Innenfor EU/EEA

If Skadeforsikring

Gjennomføre og sikre rett forsikringsoppgjør.

Innenfor EU/EEA


Betalingsleverandør for å gjennomføre sikker betaling

Innenfor EU/EEA


Betalings- og regnskapsleverandør for å gjennomføre sikker betaling og fakturering

Innenfor EU/EEA


Tjeneste for å kunne levere kundeservice via e-post, chat og andre elektroniske kilder.

Utenfor EU/EEA


Kredittsjekk av kunder

Innenfor EU/EEA


Tjeneste for utsendelse av e-poster

Utenfor EU/EEA


Tjeneste for førstepartsanalyse (dataen er kryptert og kun Hyre kan lese den)

Innenfor EU/EEA


Lagring og prosessering av data i forbindelse med drift av tjenesten (dataen er kryptert og kun Hyre kan lese den)

Innenfor EU/EEA


Gjennomføre autentisering for innlogging til tjenesten

Innenfor EU/EEA

Google Workspace

Tjenester for å sende e-post med kunder, samt applikasjoner som Google Sheets, Docs og Slides (dataen er kryptert og kun Hyre kan lese den)

Innenfor og utenfor EU/EEA

Hyre AB (Sverige), Hyre ApS (Danmark) og andre datterselskaper som kan finnes i fremtiden

Tilby kundeservice og drift som er delt på konsern-nivå

Innenfor EU/EEA

Personal data may also be provided to public authorities if required to comply with legal obligations, such as a police request.

Data Retention

Hyre deletes personal data when it is no longer necessary for the purpose it was collected or required by law (e.g., local accounting regulations) or to respond to complaints or claims. Data will be deleted when there are no longer legal, regulatory, or legitimate business purposes requiring its retention.

Your Rights

You always have the right to:


Know what personal data we have about you and how we process it. Most of this information is available under Settings in the app. For a complete overview, you can order a full export via the app.


Demand correction of incorrect information. You can change most information yourself via your profile in the app or request corrections by emailing

Restrict Processing:

Object to the processing of your personal data based on our legitimate interests. Opt out of personalization and marketing communications by contacting

Data Portability:

Receive your personal data in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format. Order a full export via the app.


Withdraw consent for data processing where consent is the basis. Contact

Be Forgotten:

Delete your user data or account via Settings in the app. Data will be deleted within 30 days, except for data required by law (e.g., local accounting regulations).


Contact us directly or your local data protection authority if you believe we are violating privacy legislation or not adhering to this policy. More information is available at

Information About Cookies and our app use cookies. Cookies are text strings stored on your PC or mobile device when you visit or use our app. You can disable cookies by changing your browser or device settings. We use functionality-related cookies to remember your choices and performance-related cookies to understand website usage and improve your experience.

Third-party providers, including Google, Meta, and Snapchat, use targeted cookies and anonymous identifiers to display advertisements based on your visits to this and other websites. These cookies are placed with our permission for remarketing, targeted marketing based on demographics and location, and other interest-based marketing.

Tredjepart partnereFormålDatalagring

Meta Pixel

Brukt for å levere rettet markedsføring i deres kanaler, samt optimalisering av annonser.

Innenfor og utenfor EU/EEA

Snap Pixel

Brukt for å levere rettet markedsføring i deres kanaler, samt optimalisering av annonser.

Innenfor og utenfor EU/EEA

LinkedIn Pixel

Brukt for å levere rettet markedsføring i deres kanaler, samt optimalisering av annonser.

Innenfor og utenfor EU/EEA

Google Tag Manager

Brukt for å levere rettet markedsføring i deres kanaler, samt optimalisering av annonser.

Innenfor og utenfor EU/EEA


To offer the best possible service, we personalize parts of, the Hyre application, and our communication with you. The legal basis for this is our legitimate interest in customizing our services. Examples include personalized offers in the app, vehicle suggestions, and relevant marketing through our services. We use third parties like Mailchimp for personalized communication.


We offer users the option to receive communications with suggestions, tips, and offers via email, SMS, and messages in the Hyre app. You can change these settings in your profile or by contacting

From time to time, we will communicate functionality changes, service updates, and other necessary information via your phone number, email address, address, or notifications in the app.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

Hyre reserves the right to change this privacy policy at any time. All registered users will be notified of changes and asked to approve them. Acceptance of this privacy policy, including any changes, is a prerequisite for continued use of Hyre's services.