Terms and Conditions

These terms of use are an agreement between Hyre AS, org. no: 918 719 601 (referred to as the Service Provider, Hyre, We, or Us) and you as a renter (Renter, or User). The agreement regulates your rights and obligations as a user of Hyre's products and services, as well as Hyre's rights and obligations as a service provider. By using our service, you accept these terms of use. We encourage you to read carefully and familiarize yourself with the terms of use applicable at all times for the Service Provider, including the privacy statement and other conditions.

Renter at Hyre

The service is provided by Hyre. To rent a car through Hyre, you must be 18 years of age or older and have a valid driving license for motor vehicle class B. Hyre automatically checks the driving license with the Norwegian Road Administration when a new user is created and at each rental. If the driving license cannot be confirmed automatically, Hyre will request a photo of the Renter's driving license. It is not permitted to create more than one profile per person. Profiles at Hyre are personal and cannot be transferred. We reserve the right to fully or partially transfer our rights and obligations to another company, which could result in your information being transferred to another company. In such an event, you will receive reasonable notice in advance from Hyre.

Booking and agreement process

When the booking has reached our server, a legally binding agreement is created between the Renter and the Service Provider. Once the booking is registered, you will receive a confirmation via e-mail and in your profile in the Hyre application. If you cancel or change a binding order, you will be charged according to the current price list for cancellations and changes. We reserve the right to refuse any rental without further justification.

When booking a car, the following conditions apply as part of the agreement between the Renter, the Insurance Company, and Hyre:

  1. Terms for Renter as described in this document
  2. Insurance Terms
  3. Terms for current prices, fees and rules for reimbursements

Prices and payment

Hyre's current prices are stated in the application and are considered an integral part of this agreement. All prices include value-added tax unless otherwise stated. The lessee covers all costs associated with the rental relationship, including the rental price, toll crossing costs, kilometers driven, fuel costs, parking fees, and any other costs incurred during the rental period. Our rental prices are subject to change based on supplier prices, the Statistics Norway consumer price index, or market changes.

Hyre may charge a pre-agreed fixed fee, as well as fees for kilometers, insurance, excess reduction, return transport in case of default, delivery to a different location, collection fees, and interest on late payments. Hyre may also charge the User for public fines, parking fees, unpaid tolls, studded tire fees, and similar public fees. Hyre can charge the User for washing, cleaning, repairs, and maintenance resulting from damage or breach of terms, including administrative costs and handling fees.

This includes all internal and external administration or case management costs and transport or handling costs, such as re-invoicing fees and costs for moving vehicles or assessing damage. If the car becomes unavailable for rental in connection with damage or repair, the Lessee's responsibility also includes deprivation in line with the Norwegian Car Rental Association and Finans Norge's set rates.

The Renter must ensure that electric cars are charging on delivery or be charged a fee according to the current price list. Additional charges can be deducted automatically from the user's specified credit card or invoiced with an invoice fee and administration fee.

Rent starts from the reserved time for future bookings or immediately for short-term rentals.

Payment is made through a registered bank or credit card. Hyre may deduct the entire rental amount before the rental period starts, and a proportionate deposit may be reserved on the card. Ongoing payments may occur during the tenancy. Rental prices, toll crossings, kilometers driven, and fuel costs are generally charged to the card on the same day the rental ends but can be adjusted later if errors are discovered. Hyre may debit the card for costs for which the tenant is responsible after the tenancy ends.

Hyre reserves the right to conduct a credit check and may require advance payment before confirming the rental. In the event of non-payment, the claim will be sent to debt collection after prior notice.

See Terms and Conditions for current prices, fees, and rules for outlays for more information.

Duration of the Rental

The Renter must return the vehicle as stated in the booking details and within the return deadline. The return is considered completed when the vehicle is locked, the rental has ended in the application, and photos of all sides of the car have been taken and submitted via the application.

The car must be parked in a space that matches the parking information for each individual car and be legal for at least 24 hours from the end of the tenancy. If the designated space is unavailable, Hyre must be contacted immediately for further instructions. Retrieving the vehicle outside the designated area without Hyre's consent is done at the Renter's own risk, and the Renter is responsible for covering incurred costs and fees based on Hyre’s current prices. A fee will be charged for late return according to Hyre’s current prices.

Hyre may demand the vehicle be returned earlier than agreed for a factual reason.

In the event of late delivery or cancellation of a rental, see Terms and Conditions apply for current prices, fees and rules for disbursements

Renter's Duties and Responsibilities

The Renter is obliged to comply with the regulations and terms of use that apply to Hyre at all times. The tenant is responsible for following the Road Traffic Act when driving, as well as checking lights, brakes, seat belts, tyres, air pressure and the like before using the car.

Renter's treatment and use of the vehicle

The Renter is responsible for the car and expenses resulting from its use during the entire rental period until return, including for parking fines, speeding fines and toll ring fees. The Renter must park in accordance with local regulations. The Renter must be careful to always lock the car and place any car keys in the designated place. The vehicle must be returned in a comparable condition to, and with all accessories and equipment that the vehicle was equipped with at the start of the rental.

The Renter agrees to treat the car responsibly and not to:

  1. Smoke in the vehicle
  2. Drive the car out of the Nordics without Hyre’s consent
  3. Use the car for practice driving, car races, speed tests, test driving, or competitions
  4. Carry passengers for a fee
  5. Use the car for illegal purposes or criminal offenses
  6. Leave the vehicle to others or allow it to be driven by unapproved drivers
  7. Tow, push, or move another vehicle
  8. Leave the vehicle unlocked or in a way that it can be used by others
  9. Fill with the wrong fuel
  10. Transport pets without a special agreement with Hyre
  11. Drive under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or in an impaired state according to Norwegian law
  12. Start the car with a jump start or use it to start other cars with jump leads

Damages caused by violations of these points are liable for compensation, and Hyre is entitled to full coverage of financial expenses or losses. Such violations are considered significant breaches, allowing Hyre to terminate your profile immediately. During the rental period, the Renter bears all responsibility for the vehicle unless it is due to conditions on the Service Provider's side.

Cleaning and Maintenance of the Car

The car must be returned with all the equipment it had at the start of the rental. It must be emptied of rubbish and personal items and not returned excessively dirty. The Renter is not responsible for external dirt from normal use but must not return the car with excessive internal dirt. Inadequate cleaning will result in a charge for cleaning and an administration fee.

In the event of inadequate cleaning, the Terms and Conditions apply for current prices, fees and rules for outlays.

Damage and technical issues discovered at the start of the rental

If in doubt about maintenance and the condition of the car, Hyre must be contacted immediately and the car must not be used until the matter has been clarified with Hyre.

Technical issues that may occur or become known to the Renter during a rental, and which can be rectified within a time that is reasonable in relation to the Renter's needs and the duration of the rental, do not give the Renter the right to terminate the rental. If the Renter nevertheless chooses to terminate the rental, the Renter will be responsible for the rent during the rental period, however, with deductions for the time that would have been required for rectification. Hyre is also not responsible for the expenses the Renter incurs in connection with having the vehicle brought back to Hyre. If repairs cannot be carried out within the aforementioned period, the Renter can, if Hyre has the option, transfer the rental to a new vehicle. If not, the rental shall be deemed to have ended from the time when the Hyre received notice of the situation from the Renter. Hyre then arranges for the vehicle to be transported back at own expense, and is then not responsible for any loss or liability that the Renter may incur.

Damages and technical issues that occur during the rental period

The Renter is obliged to contact Hyre without undue delay about damages or technical issues that occur. Hyre or its representative will then give the Renter instructions on how the Renter should handle the situation. The Renter must not in any case carry out repairs or improvements themselves, or engage a third party to carry out repairs or improvements, without the Hyre’s prior consent.

The Renter is responsible for all theft and damage that occurs during the rental period. The car is covered by rental insurance through IF Forsikring NUF, and liability is limited for damage and theft that is covered.

Deductible in the event of damage follows the current insurance agreement. A separate agreement that reduces the tenant's excess can be entered into in those cases where Hyre has the opportunity to offer this. For damage or liability, the Renter is obliged to pay the excess. Deductible is immediately due for payment. Theft, fire, vandalism and personal injury must be reported to the police without delay. Injuries to animals must be reported to the police/wildlife board without delay. In the event of rescue or assistance of a vehicle caused by a collision, skidding, overturning, damage or other accidental, sudden external impact, a set deductible applies. Costs of roadside assistance in the event of user error such as incorrect filling of fuel, lost key, locked out, car running out of power as a result of lights or the like being left on, will be charged in full to the Renter.

In the event of damage, the Renter must complete a complete damage report for the motor vehicle that is in the car, and must not leave the vehicle without regulatory safety measures. A completed damage report must be delivered to the Hyre without undue delay after the damage occurred.

If notification and/or damage notification is not given to Hyre in accordance with the guidelines in this agreement, the Renter is responsible for additional costs incurred in connection with the damage that has occurred, and which can be attributed to delayed or failed delivery of the damage notification. For any damages incurred, Hyre reserves the right to invoice the Renter within the framework of this agreement. The Renter is obliged to pay even if there is a dispute or there is a basis for recourse against a third party.

Deductibles and insurance coverage are described in our Insurance terms

Registration of damages and defects

Damage and defects are reported to Hyre by contacting email hei@hyre.no or via our chat. If immediate assistance is needed, Hyre can be contacted on telephone number 22 44 49 73.

Damage control and inspection duty

The Renter must always check the outside of the car for damage and other defects, and take pictures of all sides of the car both before the start of the rental and by return of the vehicle. The Renter must also check the condition of the car inside at the start of the rental and by return of the vehicle, and report all deviations, including damage, dirt, rubbish, missing or defective equipment, any smell, and other things that affect the perceived condition of the vehicle. The Renter must take a photo of all reported problems that can be seen in a photo. If the Renter is in doubt as to whether the condition of the car should be reported, Hyre's customer service must be contacted for clarification before the Renter leaves the car park. The Renter is responsible for ensuring that the documentation of the car's condition through photographs is of sufficient quality to be able to document damages, scratches and defects before and after a rental. Documentation of the car's condition is necessary to end a rental, cf. section "Duration of the lease" below. Failure to fulfill the Renter’s duty to document the car's condition is the Renter’s own risk and constitutes a significant breach of the terms of use, which gives Hyre the right to terminate the profile with immediate effect. The Renter is responsible for damages that are discovered after the Rental and which have not been documented by the Renter before the start of the rental.

By taking pictures/video during damage inspection as documentation of the car's condition at pick-up and delivery, you give Hyre a non-exclusive, transferable right to use, change, display publicly, reproduce, distribute and share this content with third parties.

Hyre's Duties and Responsibilities

Hyre provides flexible and easy access to rental cars, handling contract conclusion, payment, damage control, car access, and insurance mediation.

If Hyre fails to fulfill its obligations, the User can demand correction without causing unreasonable costs or inconvenience.

Hyre is not responsible for damage or loss of property left, stored, or transported in the vehicle, nor for indirect losses such as business interruption, deprivation, or lost profit unless gross negligence or intent is shown.

Hyre does not take any liability towards the User with regard to loss of time, money or anything else that may arise from, or be connected with, the rental relationship beyond the liability described in this agreement. Compensation for indirect losses suffered by the Renter, such as business interruption, deprivation, lost profit as a result of a rental being cancelled or not being properly fulfilled, or loss as a result of damage to something other than the rental vehicle cf. the criteria used in Section 67 of the Purchase Act can only be required if Hyre has shown gross negligence or intent.

Hyre is not responsible for content, material and other things that appear on third-party websites that have links to Hyre or are linked from Hyre.

Force Majeure

If Hyre is prevented from delivering the service or such a delivery obligation becomes unreasonably burdensome as a result of a labor dispute or any other circumstance when the parties cannot control it, such as extreme weather, fire, war, mobilization or unforeseen military calls of similar scope, requisition, seizure, currency restrictions, riots, shortage of means of transport, general shortage of goods, reduction in the supply of motive power, as well as shortages in or delays in deliveries from subcontractors or manufacturers as a result of such circumstances as dealt with in this clause, Hyre is exempt from all other liability.

Changes to the Terms of Use

Hyre reserves the right to change the terms of use, available on Hyre's website and app. Significant changes will be notified in advance. Continued use of the service implies acceptance of the new terms.

Disputes and choice of law

The terms of use are governed by Norwegian law. Disputes arising from the terms of use and which the parties cannot resolve amicably shall be dealt with by Norwegian courts with the Oslo District Court as the agreed venue.