Replacement car service with its own car fleet – easier for us and better for customers

Hyre and Møller Bil have partnered to develop a service that streamlines the rental of the dealer’s own cars. “It gives us greater control over the customer journey and new revenue opportunities,” says Ingunn Turner from Møller Bil Sør-Rogaland.

- We always have many customers whose cars are in the workshop with us. Previously, they were provided with a replacement car from our own fleet, but we didn’t have an adequate system for managing the rentals. The downside was losing some control over the customer journey, says Turner.

She is responsible for the rental and replacement car department at Møller Bil Sør-Rogaland and has been testing tested Replacement Car 2.0 for over a year.

- In short, we can now offer customers a seamless and self-service process for renting replacement cars. The solution is easy to manage internally, is well-integrated with the workshop, and gives us better control over ongoing costs, she explains.

What is Replacement Car 2.0?

With over 2,000 cars in Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim, Stockholm, and Copenhagen, Hyre is now the largest car-sharing service in the Nordics. The knowledge and experience gained from over one million rentals have now been used to develop a fully digital rental platform tailored for car dealers and workshops.

Henrik Lae, Leder for Forretningsutvikling i Hyre

Henrik Lae, Leder for Forretningsutvikling i Hyre

- We were challenged by the industry to create a product more suited to today's needs. Through the Hyre platform, there are fewer forms to fill out, costs like tolls and fuel are handled automatically, and it’s easier to find the right car for each customer, says Henrik Lae, business developer at Hyre.

The solution was developed in collaboration with Møller Bil to ensure that both dealer and end-customer needs are met:

- Keyless, digital booking allows customers to pick up and drop off the car anytime. Customer identification is also handled in the app, so they don’t need to wait in line to show ID or a driver's license. We also provide customer service and 24/7 roadside assistance, Lae explains.

- Listening to our needs

Møller Bil Sør-Rogaland, which has been testing the new platform for over a year, currently operates 150 Hyre cars across four different dealerships.

- The larger the fleet, the more important it is to have a system that manages rentals efficiently, Turner says, adding:

- When do the cars need to be cleaned? Which cars are available? Where are the cars located? When you have four or five cars, you can keep track, but when we’re talking about fleets of over sixty cars, it becomes impossible.

The new platform consists of two systems:

  • In the booking system, you can reserve cars on behalf of customers, set payment rules, see who has booked a car, schedule maintenance, and check available capacity in your own fleet.
  • In thefleet system, you’ll find an overview of mileage, earnings, incurred costs, damage reports, and a simple way to upload costs sent directly to the vehicle owner. You can also make cars available for rent on Hyre.

- It’s the sum of all these small improvements that makes my workday much easier now than it was a year ago. At the same time, new needs and challenges arise, and I find that Hyre is quick to adjust the service according to our requests, says Turner.

Satisfied customers and new revenue streams

- One of the best things about the new solution is that it’s 100% self-service, meaning our customers can pick up the car anytime – even outside our opening hours, says Ingunn Turner.

Customers find the app easy to use, appreciate how simple it is to start/end rentals, and receive good information throughout the rental process. They are also satisfied with the quality of the cars they rent.

- This is all about both us and the customer having a better overview of which cars are available at any given time. It makes it easier to find a car that suits each person’s needs.

The Hyre platform also opens up new revenue streams:

- We want to be the go-to choice for our customers for all their car-related needs – and this is a natural extension of that. Cars not rented out to workshop customers can easily be made available for public rental. This ensures that our entire fleet is maximized, and we make money on cars that would otherwise be sitting unused outside the dealership, Turner concludes.

Want to learn more?

Combined with our own robust system for managing a fleet of over 2,000 cars, we have developed Replacement Car 2.0. in collaboration with the industry.

Contact us to learn more 👋

...or read more here

Anbefalt lesing

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