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Shared cars for your business

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Hundreds of company cars, whenever you need

Avoid all the hassle with a leasing car and focus on what really matters instead. Discover how easy it is to get started with car sharing for your business👇

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Simplified car sharing for your business

Explore how easy it is to start using car sharing for business

Step-by-step guide on how to get started

Our solution to your business needs

With a business account on Hyre, you can give employees easy access to rental cars when needed, and all expenses are charged to the company. This way, you save time and money with simpler expense reporting, and employees get seamless and easy access to rental cars wherever they are in the city.

Cost savings

Hyre is an affordable car rental service with smart solutions that can reduce the company's car expenses by over 50%.

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Easier access for employees

With over 1000 cars distributed in Oslo, Bergen, and Trondheim, employees save significant time when the car is a more convenient transportation method than, for example, using public transportation.

Environmental friendly

A shared car replaces 15 private cars, and also gives more space for homes, green areas, and people in our cities.

Start with a business account

No fixed costs. You are only charged for the time an employee rents a car.

Business account 


Simple and flexible access to rental cars as needed, without fixed costs.

From 69,-/hour 399,-/day

Our solutions for your business

See all our solutions for your business needs

Contact us to get started

Long-term rental 

For businesses that need a rental car for a longer, but limited period.

From 9 690,-/month

Read more about long-term rental


Fixed monthly fee with rental capacity employees can share.

From 6 490,-/month

Learn more about Mobilitetsplan

Dedicated carpool 

For businesses that use cars 24/7 and want a closed and managed car pool.

Price on request

Learn more about Dedicated carpool


License and hardware for car sharing that is installed in the company's own vehicles.

From 1 600,-/month

Learn more about HyreConnect

Customer stories
Telia reduserer bilpoolen med 80 prosent, 2022-12-05

Å bytte til Hyre for bedrift har vært en viktig brikke for å nå klimamålene våre

Rejlers: Hos oss har overgangen til Hyre vært ubetinget positiv, 2022-09-01

Det er en nobrainer! Vi sparer ikke bare tid og penger ved å bruke Hyre, men det handler også om et bærekraftperspektiv

Les om Rambøll's suksess: fra egne biler til bildeling, 2022-09-01

Delebilene gjør at vi kan tilby «riktig bil til riktig oppdrag»

Read all articles

Benefits with a Hyre business account
Give employees access to book cars themselves

With a business account, employees no longer have to pay for work trips upfront and can easily book a rental car on the company's account.

Book a car for others

As an administrator, you can book a car on behalf of others via the app or web. An SMS with a link to the rental agreement is automatically sent. We take care of the rest.

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Combine all costs on one receipt

All costs related to the trip, such as rental price, tolls, and kilometres driven, are automatically calculated. You can also pay for parking and fuel directly in the app so that all costs are added on a single receipt.

Get a complete overview with detailed reports

In the corporate portal, you, as an admin, have full control over all active and previous rental agreements.

Hundreds of rental cars in Oslo, Bergen, Stavanger, and Trondheim

Download the app to rent a car

Frequently Asked Questions

Koster det noe å ha bedriftskonto?

Nei, det er ingen faste kostnader å ha en bedriftskonto på Hyre. Du blir kun belastet når man faktisk leier bil, og du kan legge til så mange ansatte du ønsker.

Kan jeg få faktura?

Ja, du kan søke om å få månedlig faktura eller enkeltfaktura når du opprettet bedriftskonto, og du får svar innen en virkedag.

Er det andre leiepriser for bedrifter?

Du betaler de samme lave leieprisene enten du leier privat eller via en bedriftskonto på Hyre.

Må jeg ha en ekstra bruker i tillegg til min private?

Nei, du har samme bruker og innlogging uansett om du leier i jobb eller privat. Eneste forskjellen er at du velger et annet betalingsmiddel når du bestiller bil.

Click here for more questions and answers