Switching to car sharing: – Easier and more flexible than leasing.
AF Energi has reduced the company's car costs by approx. 40 percent. – Good for both the environment and the bottom line, says CFO Ola Løvaas about the car-sharing service Hyre.

FORNØYD: Økonomisjef Ola Løvaas i AF Energi tror selskapet sparer rundt 40 prosent årlig på bildeling kontra leasing.
– When we switched from leasing cars to car sharing in the summer of 2023, it was initially to see if we could save money. At the same time, it aligns perfectly with our climate goals to implement measures that reduce emissions, says CFO Ola Løvaas at AF Energi.
Instead of having two dedicated leased cars available at the office in Helsfyr, the company's employees now have access to Hyre's entire fleet from Monday to Friday.
– This means we are no longer paying for two cars to sit idle in the garage after work hours and on weekends, but instead our costs are now closer to the actual car usage.
– We save particularly during holidays, and overall, we expect to reduce car costs by around 40 percent annually, he says.
Easier and more flexible
AF Energi previously spent a lot of time managing their car fleet. That's no longer the case.
– With car sharing, we no longer need to manage keys and follow up on car bookings in the calendar. We also save many hours because Hyre takes care of all cleaning, EU inspections, insurance, and everything else that comes with owning or leasing cars, says Løvaas.

ENKELT: Hyre-appen gir deg kjapt oversikt over tilgjengelige biler i nærheten.
In total, around 80 employees have access to car sharing through Hyre. The response has been entirely positive:
– Instead of "arguing" over two cars, each employee can choose from hundreds of cars available around Oslo. This also means you don't have to go to the office to pick up a car; instead, you log into the app and find one where you are. A big advantage if you're working from home or on a client visit, says Løvaas.
CALCULATOR: Check what your company can save by switching to car sharing
Unlimited use during weekdays at a fixed price

FLEKSIBELT: – Det er enkelt å skalere bildeling til hver enkelt bedrifts behov, sier Stella Wehrmann i Hyre.
With a mobility plan from Hyre, your company can easily replace its own cars with shared cars with the same predictability, increased flexibility, and significantly lower costs and administration.
– One mobility plan has a fixed monthly price and corresponds to the same capacity as one private car, except that you can use any of our over 1,600 cars in Oslo, Trondheim, and Bergen, explains Stella Bjørk Oskarsdottir Wehrmann, business advisor at Hyre.
– This capacity can be shared among all employees. If your company needs more cars at the same time, you can simply adjust the number of mobility plans accordingly, she explains.
The right car 'a la minute'
Things like unlimited mileage, parking, service, driving logs, insurance, and climate reports are included in the mobility plan. The bill is shared among many, and the biggest winner is the environment. Or possibly the employees, says portfolio manager Sondre Øvrebø at AF Energi – who himself uses Hyre cars for transportation to inspections and meetings.

AVGJØRENDE: – Med Hyre er det alltid en ledig bil tilgjengelig, sier Sondre Øvrebø i AF Energi.
– Sometimes I need a van, other times a smaller car will do. With the Hyre app, I order exactly the car I need – in a minute. This is crucial in a busy workday with various transportation needs, he says.

FREMTIDEN: Bildeling er kommet for å bli, tror Ola Løvaas.
Sondre Øvrebø and Ola Løvaas are confident that car sharing is the solution of the future:
– We already have 20-30 more users than we had six months ago, and the service is especially popular among our young and newly graduated engineers.
– Many of them don't own a car, but need to get around quickly to our projects throughout Greater Oslo. With Hyre, we can do this in an efficient, simple, and environmentally friendly way, they conclude.
Anbefalt lesing

Bli kjent med vår fullstack-utvikler Markus!
Markus er dev-teamets nyeste tilskudd og styrker Hyre på teknologi og utvikling. Han har bakgrunn fra NTNU i Trondheim der han tok mastergrad i Informatikk. Etter studiet startet han som konsulent i Bekk, der han blant annet har jobbet med ulike prosjekter hos Statens Vegvesen og Eika Forsikring.

Hyre hjalp Foodora på reisen fra 1200 til 5000 ansatte og bud
Foodora er en leveringstjeneste som startet i Norge med levering fra én restaurant i 2015 og utviklet seg raskt til å levere mat fra 2400 restauranter. I dag har de til og med lansert en egen dagligvarebutikk på nett med navn Foodora Market.