Development team

How we're building the best car sharing service

We started Hyre with the idea that sharing a car should be just as simple, smooth, and fast as owning one. Our idea was to use technology to achieve this. Since the beginning, we've aimed to solve the problems we encounter with technology.

That’s why Hyre’s development department is the core of the business, the engine that gives us our competitive edge, rather than standing in the shadow of other areas.

Mobility is an industry undergoing major changes right now. The digital transformation is happening. Join us in creating the mobility of tomorrow. Help us make it user-friendly, smart, and environmentally friendly.

With a small development team, we’ve built an infrastructure with many systems. Most of them are self-developed, and when necessary, we tailor solutions that no one else has created for our needs.

We build and operate a car sharing service with technology

Hyre is still a relatively small company with a relatively small development department – so everyone has to do a little bit of everything. Our developers build entirely new possibilities for customers, employees, and suppliers and ensure we don’t lose what we’ve already built. This means building and maintaining frontend and backend systems, contributing analyses, and orchestrating infrastructure and processes.

How we work

At Hyre, we have great trust in our development department! Therefore, we structure the workday in a way that allows for problem-solving and solution-building.


We work in two-week sprints, generally with one or two big goals over periods of 1-6 months, depending on the need. In the planning phase, we focus on the motivation for the problem that needs solving and make rough estimates – while in the development phase, the final solution emerges, meeting the real-world constraints.

We allocate time in the sprint for unexpected issues, as the only thing we know for sure is that we haven’t anticipated everything. If this extra time isn’t needed, we work on the cool new feature we thought of during payday beers or fix the annoying bug no one else seems to care about.


Along the way, we have check-ins every other day where we can discuss challenges, share status updates, and talk about whatever is on our minds – a mix between a stand-up meeting and a Monday catch-up.


At the end of each sprint, we share what we've accomplished with the rest of the team in a demo. This is when all departments – operations, marketing, business development, and finance – present what they’ve done, and we showcase what we’ve built to make Hyre even better than two weeks ago.

Technologies used

Our products – self-developed systems

Since technology and automation are the driving force at Hyre, we create products that solve problems for many types of users – including interfaces for end users renting cars, systems we use internally, portals for service partners and suppliers, and a whole range of invisible integrations that work silently in the background.

Customer-Facing System

The Hyre app – from app to car in 5 minutes

The Hyre app lets you find and unlock a car anytime, and our goal is the smoothest possible customer journey.

Fast – Our goal is for it to take under 5 minutes from sitting on your couch to sitting behind the wheel, even on your first Hyre trip. You log in easily with BankID, we automatically check your driving rights with the Norwegian Public Roads Administration, so you don’t need to waste time taking a picture of your license. Then, just choose a car on the map and unlock it with your phone.

Simple – You don’t need a membership, and you only pay for what you use. When you finish the trip, everything is calculated and settled automatically. Of course, you open the car with the app, and we always strive to have cars with start and stop buttons for an even smoother experience.

Safe – With a modern fleet, you always drive safe, secure, and environmentally friendly cars, and you’re always insured in case of an accident.

Affordable – With efficient large-scale operations, we ensure one of the most affordable car-sharing services on the market, so you don’t spend more than necessary on a car when you need one – whether for a few hours or a long weekend getaway.

Hyre for business – flexible company cars

Hyre for Business is a service that allows companies to use car sharing as a mobility solution. Employees don’t need to submit expenses, and companies don’t need to lease or own cars or have staff to manage them. Everything comes on one bill, including tolls, fuel, charging, parking, and more. Administrators get an overview of costs through a useful web interface, and employees can easily switch between private and business trips in the app.

Here, we have the potential to grow even more: We’ve just begun to see the potential on the business side. By offering better solutions for short-term and long-term rentals, we can significantly reduce companies’ car costs and provide better deals, all while having fewer cars overall that are used more efficiently. This is friendly to both the local and global environment!

Internal systems

Smart fleet orchestration and external systems

Our self-developed mobility platform consists of several dedicated modules, each playing a crucial role in how our service operates and interacts with customers, suppliers, employees, and external system providers. With technology, we develop smart systems that reduce the need for manual operations, ensuring we don’t need to scale the organization at the same pace as our service.

Damages and repairs module

With over 3,000 rentals every week, accidents are bound to happen. Our damage system ensures we can handle who is responsible for damage, assess, repair, and bill for damages to our entire fleet with just one full-time employee.

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Vehicle module

Our vehicle module is the heart of our fleet system, giving us a complete overview of all events, rentals, and dependencies related to individual cars.

Tire change module

With over 6,000 tires to be changed twice a year within a very short period, we’ve built an automatic tire change system that orchestrates orders and preparation with a set of suppliers to ensure minimal downtime and quick changes.

Supplier management module

Our service platform is designed to coordinate a large number of suppliers for service tasks related to our fleet. Multiple suppliers can be connected to one service task, such as picking up a car, replacing the windshield, washing, and returning it to its spot.

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Parking management module

With over 1,500 cars at more than 400 different locations, parking is one of our biggest operating costs and a critical part of our service to provide good availability where people live and work.

Events module

Our events module helps us keep track of everything that needs to be done related to our fleet or rentals. It’s built to quickly and efficiently solve tasks and is tightly integrated with our other modules.

Billing and invoicing system

Ensuring correct payments is a necessity. Since suppliers are constantly changing, we’ve built a flexible and robust system that ensures all costs are tied to each rental, so our customers don’t have to worry.

Service module

When cars need service or repairs, there are several dependencies that need to be coordinated internally and with external partners.

Supplier-facing system

Fleet and service portals

Hyre, as a platform, also has functionality for service partners who wash, move, or repair cars – and for fleet owners who rent out through us. The portals they use daily are full-fledged products for Hyre's development team – we build custom interfaces to track earnings, plan tire changes or washes, and manage car wrapping.

There are still many possibilities here: putting tasks out for bids, creating visual usage analyses, and automatically ordering the right work orders.